Castellón Shipping Castellon Shipping offers three shipping regular lines running in the Mediterranean Sea:

Sea Horse Line, serving the line between Castellón and Algiers.
Cascon Alex Line, serving the line between Castellón and Alexandria.
Cascon Lyb Line, serving the line between Castellón and Lybia.

Sea Horse Line, Castellón - Argelia Cascon Alex Line, Castellón - Alejandría Cascon Lyb Line, Castellón - Lybia

Cascon Alex Line
Sea Horse Line
Cascon Lyb Line
© Castellón Shipping, S.A. Consignatario de buques. Paseo Buenavista, 36 entlo.2 - Telf. 964 73 70 77 - 12100 Grao de Castellón (Spain) - legal note - Español -